
View some samples of services provided by Priority Water including pool filling, providing water for the Halifax Oval and for events, and keeping roads hydrated for construction.

We service the HRM and surrounding areas of Nova Scotia. Please feel free to contact us any time during work hours and we can set up an appointment for your water delivery needs.

Our Water Services

Priority Water services include:

  • Commercial and home delivery:
  • Swimming Pool Water Filling
  • Hot Tub water filling
  • Dust Control Services
  • Portable Bulk Water Transportation
  • Road and Highway Watering
  • Sods Watering and Grass Re-hydration
  • Cisterns Service
  • Road compaction jobs
  • Large wet down areas for the Movie
  • Industry and commercial shoots
  • Dust control on construction sites

See Us in Action

Priority Water's commercial truck in action.

Customer Support

Priority Water customer support is always friendly and willing to help.

50 Temple Terr, Nova Scotia.
Call (902) 869-2837
For Other Services Not Listed.



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